Creating an account for Dokkaner will allow you to access some features reserved for authenticated users such as:

  • The possibility to save your Teams
  • Consult the Teams made by the community
  • Write and consult reviews of Cards
  • Save your advanced filters

To register, click on the "Home" icon of Dokkaner, then choose the access to the menu on the top left. In the menu panel click on the top icon :


If you already have an account, you can use it here to login to Dokkaner

Enter the email and password used to create the account and click on "Login". In case you have forgotten your password, click on "forgot password" to receive a re-initialization email. 

Attention : You will first have to try to connect with your email before requesting a new password.


If you do not have an account, click on "New to Dokkaner? Sign up" at the bottom of the login page. Fill in the requested information according to the security criteria (your user name must contain at least 4 characters, and your password must contain at least 8 characters with at least 1 upper case letter and one number)

Attention : Your email must be valid. When you register, you will receive a message allowing you to check your email.