Divided into 5 main sections, the page contains all the essential and useful information about a card.


Here you will find the main information on the skills and statistics of the card. The values displayed are those of a max level card without duplicates.

This page also contains the Metascore notation calculated by Dokkaner. This rating allows you to easily distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of a card. In addition to a graph illustrating the card synthesis, you will find a rating for each skill and attribute of a card.

For more information on Metascore rating, click here.

Hint : If you want to share the information on this card via message to your friends, use the button at the top right to open the sharing sheet.

Finally, at the bottom of the page Dokkaner will offer you a selection of possible Leaders to integrate for Team Building. The cards are clickable to allow direct access either to the TeamBuilder or to the character's details.

Hint : You can choose the language in which the information is displayed via Settings


In addition to listing the links available for the card, this page displays the characters with the most links in common with the card.  The goal here is to easily identify synergies between the cards.

To do this, the list of links acts as a filter; by clicking on the links you can exclude or integrate them in the display of the cards sharing the link.


This page lists all the categories belonging to the card. Just like the Links page, there are also cards sharing the same categories as the character in question. It is also possible to click on the list of categories to filter the selection of characters displayed.

Awakening and Transformation

In order to facilitate navigation, this page lists the possible awakenings and reversals for the card in question. In addition, if the card has a Transformation, it will be displayed here.

Click on one of the cards in the list to see the details of it.


Warning : You must be logged in to access this feature.

What does the community think about this card? Why not also give your opinion? It is to these questions that the reviews page provides answers.

Here you can consult the different opinions of the community about the character, but also submit your own.

Each opinion highlights the rating given by a dokkaner user. To enter your opinion, click on the "Edit" button and fill in the form.